Part 1: Finish This Line…

One of my twitter buddies @alibuterfli gave me this great idea for a blog post which I am going to try out.  I flooded her timeline with potential endings to that line and so I wanted to see what you all would come up with.  This one is interactive, so please pass thing along.  I wouldn’t mind if it even went viral.  What I am going to do is to start a line and I would like you to finish it in the comment section.
He’s/She’s so…

17 thoughts on “Part 1: Finish This Line…

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Part 1: Finish This Line… « Experience Aurie --

  2. …evasive. And he will only get the help he needs if he can finally admit to himself that he has a problem. He may think this doesn’t affect anyone else but he’s hurting his wife, their children, his friends, people at work, etc. It’s really sad that he thinks he has no other way out but to find himself at the end of a bottle everyday.


  3. He’s so perfect in my eyes, I wonder if he knows just how much I admire what he stands for?

    She’s so unworthy of being fertile, those poor babies. That is all.


  4. He’s so crazy, runnin’ out into the surf naked under the light of the full moon. He yells as loud as he can that she’s his only love. I think it’s suppose to be a song, but…

    She’s so taken by his lunacy, every full moon she’s right there with him, similarly attired, similarly singing, only I am driven to distraction by the beauty and wonder of her voice, a voice that says an angel has landed on the beach by my window. Like an ancient Greek Circe, she will prove the death of me luring me to the rocks below helpless before her spell…


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