Inspired 2.5

Hello folks…With a little help, I got such a bolt of inspiration tonight.  One of my closest friends had a great experience with one of her patients who shared the following quote:

“Honey! What good is love if you don’t give it away?” – Unknown

How awesome is that?  It’s a simple thought, but deeply rooted in the elemental level of our human experience & existence.  Just something to think about, especially in times like these.  Be inspired always.


Inspired 2.3

Here’s a thought for you to chew on this coming week.

“Sometimes you need to be reduced to make room to be restored…” – Aurie

I won’t say much more than that because it can mean so many things to so many people.  Just remember that your process is yours and no one can own it the way you can.

Peace and Blessings